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Pretty much you know that I am Mickey.  I was born on 11/18/1928, kinda old huh!!!  No matter how old I am, I always look innocent, loveable and joyous as ever.  Perhaps most people like me because of this nature.  I am always a good fellow of not only little kids but also adults.  Besides me there is also Minnie, my girlfriend who is also a symbol of adoration. 






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Below here you can find out what people think about me.  Of course I am proud of what I am!!!

"Mickey is so popular because he is such a nice little guy--feisty, but not pushy.  He lets other people lose their tempers" (Roy E. Disney)
"Mickey is a "hero"; he represents all the good things in people" (Charles Solomon, writer)
"Mickey mouse is the quintessential symbol of innocence.  Subliminally he represents a lot of things we've lost.  He represents how things used to be simple and fun and free of darkness.  If there is a more poignant symbol, I don't know what it is" (Bob Greene, newspaper columnist)
"Disney brought something nice and clean to the kids.  You would never see Mickey mouse with a machine gun, killing people" (Ernest Borgnine)
"Practically everyone loved Mickey..."the children who thought he was funny, the philosophers who thought he represented America's raucous individualism, the esthetes who saw in him the first successful adjustment of linear design to the fluttering motion of the films"..." (Life Magazine)
"Mickey is a little fellow trying to do the best he could" (Walt Disney)

So what do you think about me???

Click here to see more of my pix

Email me

mickeymail.gif (6119 bytes)cpham5@hotmail.com

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