Tea & Health


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Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, second only to water.  Perhaps everyone of us at least has taken several cups of tea in our life.  For years tea is known as a safe beverage.  Not only that it may also be beneficial to our health.  There is a survey that regular tea consumers have a lower risk of specific types of cancer and heart disease.

What makes tea possess these properties in promoting health?  The high level of tea polyphenols, the powerful antioxidants, in both green and black teas may play a role in reducing the oxidation of light density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, and so interferes the onset of heart disease.  Researches show that the catechin component from green tea is accounted for its anticancer effects by reacting with oxidant such as peroxyl radicals.  This central antioxidant site renders green tea several more potentials in lowering the incidence of many phenomena which are harmful to the body.   This includes the prevention of red blood cells from morphological alteration caused by peroxide treatment, as well as the reduction of the formation of oxidized metabolites of DNA.  In addition, tea is known to have a big source of fluoride, a component which is capable of fighting against tooth cavity.

It is therefore our benefit to take tea on a daily basis.  It is said:" An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away", tea may have the same effect!!!

Click here for more information about green tea.

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